What’s Next?

Have you made a decision to follow Christ? If so, you've made the best decision of your life and we couldn’t be more excited for you! If someone directed you here, and you’re comfortable with it, they would love to know that you have invited Jesus into your life! If you're looking for more resources or have any questions, we have additional resources available. Or, if you’d like to have further conversation, we’d encourage you to contact the person who sent you this link! Otherwise, you can click below to get in touch with someone from our team.

As you begin your relationship with Jesus, the most important thing to do is read His Word. You can can start doing that today!

One of the most important things to do in the next step of your journey is to get connected with a local church. To find a church body in your area, click below.

If you heard about Another Way To Live from a friend and you're interested in getting connected to a church here in WNY, talk with them about where they attend and ask to join them for a service at their local church. And if you'd like to connect directly with a local church, send us a message by clicking below and someone from the Another Way to Live team will connect with you shortly!